Wednesday 22 June 2011

Final Project Process Photos

Step 1: solid body coat

Step 2: Splatter painting

Step 3: Limewash painting

Step 4: assembly

Here is the original finished version, completed Tuesday afternoon.

Came into the studio Wednesday morning to find the middle had fallen and smashed.

After some careful reworking, here is the version for the elementary school show on Wednesday.

Minutes after the conclusion of the mock art show, two bottles on the far right fell off, and were reattached. Here is what the project now looks like, with "DO NOT TOUCH SCULPTURE" sign and written statement.


For my final project, I painted glass bottles (mostly wine) to look like limestone rocks, then constructed a rock wall like those that fence in farmers' fields in Ireland.

This is the finished product of our collaborative project with the elementary school in Ballyvaughan. With my landscape background they created their own little town with houses, castles, and other cut outs.

Saturday 18 June 2011

Art from Week 3

 For this project, I drew one box grid and photocopied it 16 times to make this wallpaper

This is all the tape from the wall drawing from week 1

Due to unforeseen weather conditions, my individual project had to be changed. I am now painting wine bottles to look like limestone rocks, and will try to assemble a rock wall out of them, creating a connection between western Ireland's historic rock wall constructions and its historic rampant alcoholism.
*According to a December 2010 study of Irish teens, over 45% reported that they drink alcohol, and over 25% said they they had engaged in "binge" drinking within two weeks prior to the study.

We had our collaborative project day at the local elementary school on Thursday this week. Our group of 8 students created four projects for about 30 students (aged 7-10) to enhance the students' visions of community pride and environmental outlook. For my station, I painted the backdrop of Ballyvaughan without the buildings, and students were given materials to make their own castles and buildings and create their own town. These projects will be displayed alongside our final projects this week in our closing gallery show. I will post pictures of the final product later this week. The landscape painting is approximately 5' x 9'.

Saturday 11 June 2011


Went to Galway again the 2nd weekend.

It's exactly what you think it is

This is what we call Irish Home security

You know you're in a city when...

We stumbled upon a back alley instrument workshop where they made mandolins, guitars, bouzoukis, and basses.

Art from Week 2

Here are some more experiments as part of the brainstorming process for our main projects

Monday 6 June 2011

Art from Week 1

We spent the first week "unlearning" everything we knew about art. This is how an art student draws like a child.